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Dealing with being bored, addiction, incarceration and isolation, and executive function: as they apply to those with the neurodevelopment disabilities of FASD.
Savanna Pietrantonio - FASD Survival Strategy Teacher
Barry Stanley
Event Name
How those with FASD interpret their environment and their relationships
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: New Credit Community Health
Date and Time
Wed Feb 11, 2015
(This event is over)
5:00 - 7:30pm
Event Description
How those with fasd interpret their environment and their relationships with others: The Role of Perseveration.Dealing with being bored, addiction, incarceration and isolation, and executive function: as they apply to those with the neurodevelopment disabilities of FASD.
Savanna Pietrantonio - FASD Survival Strategy Teacher
Barry Stanley
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