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Event Name

Girlfriend's Guide to Bouncing Back: Mental Health and Resilience
Information Session
For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: The Royal

Date and Time

Thu Nov 6, 2014 (This event is over)
7:00 - 8:00pm


200 Coventry Road, Ottawa, ON, K1K 4S3

Event Description

Whether it’s putting a stressful day behind you or recovering from a major life challenge, the ability to pick yourself up and keep moving forward is essential for mental health and happiness. But how do you ‘bounce back’ when it feels like so much is weighing you down?

Join us on November 6th to be inspired by a woman whose story of bouncing back is Olympic legend. Silken Laumann fought back from a devastating rowing accident to win a bronze medal in the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. Her stunning 10-week recovery is only part of her story of resilience. Silken also overcame abuse, anorexia and depression. Her courage in the face of almost insurmountable obstacles throughout her life is a shining example of the strength that exists in all of us.

More Info

613.722.6521, ext. 6570


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This event is listed under these topics

Resiliency and Coping
Mental Health in General
Last modified Aug 18, 2014 3:05pm
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