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Event Name

Andrew McDonnell “If You Can Keep Your Head While All About You are Losing Theirs” (Kipling): Applying Low Arousal Approaches to Everyday Settings and Ellen Yack - Becoming Detectives: Analyzing Sensory and Behaviour Challenges in Children and Adults with ASD
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For: General public, Professionals
Provided by: Autism Awareness Centre Inc.

Date and Time

Fri Apr 12 to Sat Apr 13, 2013 (This event is over)
8:45 am - 4:30 pm


1515 South Park Street, Halifax, NS, B3J 2L2

Event Description

Andrew McDonnell - This presentation will focus on how to manage behaviours of concern using a low arousal approach. This approach was developed to help supporters to practically manage 'highly aroused' and stressed individuals. There is an emphasis on verbal and nonverbal strategies to de-escalate crisis situations. In addition, the approach involves 'reflective practice' that is, 'What is my own contribution to the situation? Low-arousal approaches include interaction, diffusion and distraction strategies; coping with challenging behaviours including debriefing - why it is necessary and how to do it, managing versus changing behaviours, physical avoidance skills and physical intervention strategies.

Ellen Yack - This workshop will address the relationship between sensory processing and behaviour. Specific challenging behaviours often related to impaired sensory processing will be discussed. Tools to help analyze and determine the function of challenging behaviours will be reviewed. Practical strategies to help manage behaviour and sensory challenges at home school and in the community will be provided.

More Info

1-866-724-2224 (Toll Free)


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Last modified Jan 3, 2013 1:34pm
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