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Privacy Policy

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eMentalHealth respects your privacy and treats the information you provide to us in a way that secures your privacy. We offer this Privacy Policy to explain to you how we treat personal information.


About eMentalHealth


eMentalHealth is a comprehensive mental health website serving various geographic locations throughout Canada. We provide online anonymous, confidential, information, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our goal is to improve the mental health of individuals and communities by making it easy for them to connect to mental health information and resources.


eMentalHealth Privacy Practices


eMentalHealth is primarily a reference site and does not require visitors to provide us with any information in order to access our services. However, we do collect and use some information in the process of providing our services.


eMentalHealth uses a tool called Google Analytics to perform internal statistical analysis of our website traffic to help us understand how people use our online services and to enable us to better tailor our services to the needs of our users. Google Analytics uses "cookies" – small text files placed on your computer – to help Google analyze how the public uses the eMentalhealth website. The cookie generates information about your use of the website, including the URL, your IP address, geographical location, browser type and language, the date and time of your visit to the website, and, if you linked to our site from another website, the URL of that website. Google Analytics transmits that information to Google. Google stores this information on servers in the United States and such information is therefore subject to U.S. privacy laws. Google uses this information for the purpose of analyzing your use of the eMentalhealth website. Google provides that information to eMentalHeath so that we can prepare and review reports on activity on the eMentalHealth website. On the basis of that information, we can improve the layout and functionality of the eMentalHealth website.


Google Analytics does not collect personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, or other such personal information.


You may refuse to allow cookies on your computer by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser.


In return for letting us use Google Analytics, Google also uses the information Google Analytics collects. Google’s own use of this information is subject to its own Privacy Policy: Google states that it may combine information collected from you with information from other Google services or third parties to improve its services, including customizing content (including advertisements on Google sites) for you.


eMentalHealth does not attempt to track or record any information connecting you personally with your IP address or other online identification.


In addition, were you to contact eMentalHealth, we would have any information you provide us in that communication (such as, for example, your email address were you to send us an email). Any information you choose to provide us in individual communications will only be used to respond to those communications. Any individual communications you choose to send us will not be retained, and we will take reasonable steps to delete such communications within a reasonable period of time.


eMentalHealth collects additional information from volunteers and from people on our mailing lists. This information can include name, address, contact number, and e-mail address. eMentalHealth uses that information only for the purposes for which we collected it. We do not share this information with any external third party.


eMentalHealth may transfer personal information in our possession to third parties where required to do so by law. Other than as mentioned here, eMentalHealth does not disclose any of the information we collect to external parties.


Note to International Users


This site is hosted in Canada and is intended for and directed to users in Canada. You should be aware that this website is governed by Canadian law, and that any information you transfer to eMentalHealth is subject to Canadian laws, except for information mentioned above which is stored in the U.S. and subject to U.S. laws.


Changes and Updates to Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. Changes will be posted here, and we ask that you check this Policy regularly. Please direct any inquiries to our Privacy Officer.


Special Thanks to the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)


This document prepared for by the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Internet Clinic (CIPPIC) at the University of Ottawa.


Last revised Sep 29, 2008.

This Page Last Updated: Jan 1, 2013
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